Project Budget

Bureau of Reclamation
Project Architect

4 Acres
Project Size

Design Bid Build

August 2021 - June 2023

State of Utah, DFCM, DNR
The Echo State Park – Red Rock Marina project involved the demolition, expansion, and reconstruction of the park. The project started with widening and extending the Boat Ramp by 100 feet, constructing a new entrance with a safety-focused road, and adding a bridge/tunnel for the Rail Trail. The park area was graded, providing paved parking for boats and day use. A new entrance/fee station, park offices, vault and running water restrooms with radiant floor heating, and a campground with 5 cabins and 11 full hook-ups for trailers. To accommodate the updated park new electrical, sewer, and septic systems were installed.
A new water system featured a well, a control building, and a 200,000-gallon water tank. On the hillside where the tank was constructed, we built two shelves where the tank precast wall panels with the metal diaphragm liner could be constructed. The 200,000-gallon water tank, a unique 20’ high 40’ diameter type III concrete design with a metal diaphragm, was constructed by a specialty contractor from Kentucky. The tank’s walls, featuring a wire-wrapped design, were poured, cured, stood, and post-tension wrapped with three layers of cable. Along with a self-supporting concrete dome roof and shotcrete coating on the exterior, the advantage of this unique type of tank construction is that it allows for stress, thermal, and load expansion without cracking or leakage.
The Red Rock Marina Echo State Park project introduces new recreational opportunities, extending the watercraft season with the expanded boat ramp and providing lakefront accommodations with Cabin/Mini Homes. Delays due to permit issues and the necessity of low lake levels for boat ramp construction underscored the importance of adaptive project management. The completed project now enhances recreation for the local community and Wasatch Front residents.
- AGC 2023 Sports/Recreation Project of the Year (Building/Industrial Division)
- AGC 2023 Sports/Recreation Project of the Year (Building/Industrial Division)